Monday, May 01, 2006


Haven't post a thing here for a while. Although I have a 5 days off from the troop, I spent most of my time on sleeping and playing PSP/Video games...

Oh, yes, I went to the video tape shop and rent four movies. Maybe I'll try to post some of my feelings about these films. (War of the worlds, Narnia, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Miss Congenality 2.)

Well, seems like I haven't use English for about two weeks. How's my English anyway? I wonder if someone sees this will get my words or not~ I read some people's blogs, and some of them were extremly strange... The grammar they use were totally different from what I've learned at school. Is this normal? The wiered part is, the writer of the article is so confidence and sure of his English. Somehow, I will try to find out if I an right or wrong~

By the way, I am now trying on the Yahoo! 360°. The day before yesterday, someone send me messages via Yahoo Messanger. I was so surprised that someone's reading my pages. Maybe I really need to add something to make it looks much better.